3 Crucial Aspects of Natural Uterine Fibroid Treatment

A natural treatment for fibroids which avoids surgery and drugs with unpleasant side effects would be the preferred option for the vast majority of women. However, on visiting a doctor, most women are only advised about conventional treatments such as hysterectomies or surgery which removes individual fibroids. Most doctors do not have any experience of natural treatments for fibroids but there are alternative practitioners who have found them to be highly successful in shrinking fibroids.

It is estimated that over half of all women have fibroids. For many, they never cause any symptoms and women never know that they have them unless they are discovered in either routine scans or when they are having trouble conceiving. However, for other women there is a very different story.

The symptoms which can arise from fibroids can become quite unbearable and include bloating and heaviness, heavy periods, pain during intercourse, bowel and bladder problems and even infertility. In terms of size, fibroids can be as small as a pea or as large as a melon, so it is understandable how larger fibroids can cause problems.

Fibroids are very rarely life threatening and doctors prefer not to treat them unless absolutely necessary as surgery can be risky, and drug treatment can have unpleasant side effects. In addition, the only form of surgery which prevents uterine fibroids returning is a hysterectomy.

Ada bukti yang menunjukkan bahwa fibroid mulai menyusut secara alami setelah menopause, tetapi bagi banyak perempuan, hanya menunggu selama itu bukan merupakan pilihan. Mereka hanya tidak siap untuk memasang dengan gejala selama bertahun-tahun.

1. Diet
2. Liver Detox
3. Yoga