If you have fibroids, then how to treat them naturally is a question you might be asking yourself
In some cases, uterine fibroids are asymptomatic and treatment is not needed. However, in other cases, they can be symptomatic. The symptoms are produced in relation to size and location. These include heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain or pressure, back or leg pain, urinary frequency, difficulty emptying the bladder, constipation or painful defecation, abdominal discomfort or sensation of fullness, or pain during intercourse. Iron deficiency anemia may also be present due to the heavy vaginal bleeding. Fibroids may also occur along with endometriosis which causes infertility. The urinary and gastrointestinal problems are due to the compression effect of the fibroids. In rare cases, they can develop into malignant cancers called leiomyosarcomas.
In some cases, uterine fibroids are asymptomatic and treatment is not needed. However, in other cases, they can be symptomatic. The symptoms are produced in relation to size and location. These include heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain or pressure, back or leg pain, urinary frequency, difficulty emptying the bladder, constipation or painful defecation, abdominal discomfort or sensation of fullness, or pain during intercourse. Iron deficiency anemia may also be present due to the heavy vaginal bleeding. Fibroids may also occur along with endometriosis which causes infertility. The urinary and gastrointestinal problems are due to the compression effect of the fibroids. In rare cases, they can develop into malignant cancers called leiomyosarcomas.
When these symptoms are present, women should immediately see their doctors. Large fibroids can be palpated during pelvic examination. However, imaging studies such as ultrasound, hysteroscopy or hysterosonography may be performed to confirm the presence of the fibroids.
A symptomatic fibroids are usually discovered incidentally during pelvic examination. Since they do not produce symptoms, the best action is to just observe and monitor. However, for symptomatic fibroids, non-operative and operative treatment options are available depending on the severity.
Myolysis is a laparoscopic procedure in which a laser or electric current is utilized to shrink the blood vessels supplying the fibroids and eventually destroying them. In the case of cryomyolysis, a liquid nitrogen is used instead to freeze the fibroids.
Some women may experience no symptoms with fibroids, and some do not even know they have one. During pregnancy, the fibroids may increase in size due to the increased estrogen level and blood flow. However, they shrink back to their normal size after childbirth. For women who are experiencing symptoms, they should seek medical attention. It is also important that they discuss their treatment options well with their families and doctors before deciding. They have to weigh the pros and cons of each treatment and choose the option that best suits their situation.